Articles about Russia
General information:
Capital: Moscow
Language: Russian
Religion: 41.1% Christian Orthodox, 6.3% other Christians, 25.2% Believers, but do not profess a particular religion, 13% Atheists, 6.5% Muslims, 0.5% Buddhists, 7.4% others
Population: 146 million (2020, including Crimea)
English-friendly: Very few people speak English. Learning a few words of Russian is handy.
Wi-fi reliability: Wi-fi is widely available and reliable most of the time.
Currency: Russian ruble
Average cost per day: 30$/40$ (2019) per day if you want to travel along the Transiberian railway
Visa: Most nationalities need a visa to enter Russia. The cost of visa changes according to the consulates. Getting a Russian visa in Europe can cost you over 100$, while in Mongolia it is much cheaper but not all nationalities can apply for it. Click here for more details. Be aware that theoretically you need to register your visa when you enter russia (click here for more information) but nobody has ever asked anything to us when we travelled there.
Safety: Good
When to go:
Spring (March-May): Spring is not a tourist season in Russia. The weather can be quite cold until April it can also be a bad time to go since you will find the streets muddled with mid-melting snow. From the second half of May onwards the weather is going to better! Average temperature: -4 °C – 18°C
Summer (June – August): Summer seems to be the most popular period to visit Russia. Days are longer and tourist attractions have broader schedules. However, summer presents its problems. In fact, prices tends to be more expensive, both in accomodations, planes or train tickets. In addition, it can be very hot particularly in cities. Finally, don’t forget a insect repellent! Mosquitoes tend to be common in the countryside but also in the city during the hot season. Average temperature: 12°C – 25°C
Autumn (September– November) : Starting from the second half of September the number of tourists falls drammatically and the weather becomes more and more unpredictable. By mid-October the temperature can already be on the negatives and, from November onwards, snow may start falling. Good thing of Autumn in Russia? the colors of the trees! Average temperature: 2 °C – 15°C
Winter (December – February): The idea of going to Russia in winter may put off a lot people. Winter temperatures vary greatly depending on which part of the country you are. In Moscow and St. Petersburg temperatures can fall below – 20 °C while in Siberia can go down to 50 °C below zero. The advantages of travelling to Russia in winter? Less tourist, it’s cheaper, few queues and all the landscapes covered in snow… Average temperature: -9 °C – – 4°C
*Average temperature in Moscow