In this article you will find details about our journey in Uzbekistan: transport information, accommodations, and prices in dollars or local currency.
In this article you will find details about our journey in Uzbekistan: transport information, accommodations, and prices in dollars or local currency.
In this article, you can find hints about the history of Samarkand as well as information about the main tourist attractions.
A brief history of Nukus and the Aral Sea Isolated and remote, Nukus remained for a long time just a little settlement in the middle of the desert. The city…
A brief history of Khiva After Bukhara and Samarkand, Khiva is the third not-to-miss city in Uzbekistan. According to some evidences, Khiva already existed in the VIII century but it’s…
In this article, you can read about the history of Bukhara and then about self-made tours you can take in the city in order to make the best out of it. Finally, you will find some useful tips to survive and save money in the city as well as in Uzbekistan.